
TradingView is the world’s most popular charting platform, used by 50M+ traders and investors. Supercharged by robust technologies across browsers, desktop and mobile apps, the platform provides an array of technical, drawing and analytical tools for informed trading decisions. One of the most unique features of the platform is the TradingView community, which stores 10M+ trading ideas and scripts. In addition, it provides access to the latest market news, corporate reports and a comprehensive analytical suite, making the platform a top destination for any trader.

Get connected with TradingView

Easy Onboarding Process

How to Get Started

  • 1. Create a Tradier account

    Open a Pro account in Tradier and create or log in to a free user account at TradingVIew.
  • 2. Go to the TradingView platform

    Visit the Tradier broker profile and click the “Trade” button, or find the Tradier icon on the chart's trading panel.
  • 3. Connect the accounts

    In the appeared login panel, click "Connect" and enter your Tradier account information.
Get Started
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Frequently Asked Questions About the Integration

Open an Account

Our platform is built for reliability so that you can worry less.

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Learn how to become a connected platform.

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Open a Brokerage Account Today or Get Connected

The choice is yours.

Startup or enterprise, Tradier provides the same great solutions. You focus on building a great product while we handle the headache of exchange agreements, compliance onboarding, FIX gateways, and more.

Tradier Tradier Tradier Inc.
Tradier Brokerage Inc.

3420 Toringdon Way, Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28277
Phone: 980.272.3880

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