Equities Lab

Equities Lab lets you create a strategy using deep fundamental and technical indicators, back test to gain confidence and transparency, get alerted on passing stocks, and execute a trade through Tradier Brokerage. Next generation analytics, charting, and point-in-time data. Equities Lab -- for those who don’t want to day trade!

  • Focus on Fundamental and Technical Analysis

    Use powerful hybrid approaches to really understand the market. Using either one alone is like investing with half a brain – doable but not optimal. Find undervalued stocks with upside earnings surprise that meets numerous technical requirements, or short vaporous stocks with no assets, no sales and nothing else but the hope of future earnings. If you can dream it up, then you can implement it.
  • Powerful Equihack System

    Equities Lab lets you analyze not only any ratio you want, but its change over time, its rank vs. a peer group you define, the change of its rank vs. a peer group over time. This total flexibility lets you really experiment on the market while giving you uncommon knowledge.
  • Gorgeous Analytics

    The Equities Lab heat map and other analytics let you sort and categorize by any variable of your choice, color by another variable, and size by a third variable. Our tables, heat maps, and scatter charts can handle hundreds of thousands of items. Zoom in on any stock and see when it matched, and watch variables change over time. Also, access a wealth of key information pertaining to the stock to help lead you to a buy or sell decision.
  • Backtest

    Backtest anything, then really dig into why it works, and why it doesn’t. See every failing trade, and sort by anything (including custom variables). Want to know what the earnings yield was at each trade, to see if there’s a pattern there? No problem! Want to see a pie chart of all trades broken down by market cap, Total Expense, Depreciation, etc…. No Problem! Don’t worry about survivorship bias because we have point in time data that allows useful and accurate backtest results.
  • Alerts and Watch lists

    With any system comes the task of actually implementing it. Get daily alerts to trade. These alerts will let you know if any new stocks are added that you should look at, or if current holdings should be sold.

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